Setup Python


This action is intended to be used by other actions/workflows to setup a given python environment. It will run python setup (default is version 3.10), install python requirements given a requirements.txt file path and/or list of python packages, and cache dependency installation appropriately. Wildcards may be used for the path to the requirements.txt file(s).

Setup Python 3.10

- name: Install and set up Python 3.10
  uses: GenapsysInc/internal-actions/reusable-actions/setup-python@main

Setup Python 3.x

- name: Install and set up Python 3.x
  uses: GenapsysInc/internal-actions/reusable-actions/setup-python@main
    python-version: 3.x

Install Specific Python Dependencies

- name: Checkout source tree
  uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install and set up Python 3.10 and install dependencies
  uses: GenapsysInc/internal-actions/reusable-actions/setup-python@main
    requirements-txt: path/to/requirements.txt
    packages: <package 1> <package 2> ...

Install Wildcard Python Dependencies

- name: Checkout source tree
  uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install and set up Python 3.10 and install dependencies
  uses: GenapsysInc/internal-actions/reusable-actions/setup-python@main
    requirements-txt: '**/requirements.txt'