action_utils.common module

Constants, classes, and utilities related to git/GitHub common across scripts

exception action_utils.common.ConfigurationError

Bases: Exception

Should be raised when input arguments are found to be incorrect/invalid

exception action_utils.common.InvalidVersion

Bases: Exception

Should be raised when parsing a tag that does not conform to expected version format

class action_utils.common.VersionTag(tag: str)

Bases: object

Representation of a git tag in the form of major.minor.patch-release

assert_valid_new_version(other: VersionTag) None

Is the other VersionTag a valid increment of self? Asserts that the new version is >= the old version, that the minor and patch versions are 0 for a major increment, that the patch version is 0 for a minor increment, and that version increments are equal to 1.


other – The VersionTag representing a version increment


InvalidVersion – If the given VersionTag is not a valid increment

get_new_release() str

Return a new tag with the release number incremented by 1


The new tag string

property major: int

The major version number

property minor: int

The minor version number

property patch: int

The patch version number

property release: int

The release number

property tag: str

The tag string

action_utils.common.get_organization(client, org_name)

Wraps call to GitHub’s Organization REST endpoint in a try/except

action_utils.common.get_pull(repo, pull_number)

Wraps call to GitHub’s Pulls REST endpoint in a try/except

action_utils.common.get_repo(org, repo_name)

Wraps call to GitHub’s Repository REST endpoint in a try/except

action_utils.common.get_repo_name(git_repo: git.repo.base.Repo) str

Given a GitPython Repo object, determine the name of the repository based on the remote


git_repo – The Repo instance


The name of the repository

action_utils.common.get_repo_name_from_url(url: str) str

Given a https/git url, get the repository name


url – The url to parse, either… or…


The repository name parsed from the url

action_utils.common.get_submodule_name(git_submodule: git.objects.submodule.base.Submodule) str

Given a GitPython Submodule object, determine the name of the submodule based on the remote


git_submodule – The Submodule instance


The name of the repository